A big surprise has come to New York with a possible change that seems to be good news for many, and to generate serious anger for others. It is the possible elimination of the Regents exams, a key requirement for high school graduates who want to earn a diploma to qualify for the right course of study. With a series of four exams, students currently have to justify their years of studies by putting their work in English, science, history and mathematics. According to a source close to the Regents Board, the possibility of making these evaluations optional again is on the minds of the presidents and, for that, they would no longer be an obligation at the end of the studies. Opinions are mixed, but it is important to know what they are about.
Changes in the Regents exams: eliminated or reformed?
One of the bells and whistles of the education sector in New York has postulated that a reform is necessary in the area of high school, where young people can demonstrate that they have studied enough in these years without the need to take these theoretical exams and opt for practical tasks, with jobs that develop their skills in a better way. However, many see that this is not a reliable alternative, since it will bring out other knowledge and not the ones justly instilled during the years of secondary education. Likewise, others also think that the method used for students since 1997 needs to adapt to the new times and to their requests required to go out in the best way to the working world.
Therefore, the inclusion of a financial education course or exam can be added as another request for those who have dedicated time to this. With this, graduates would need to complement various knowledge to put it into practice in everyday life and justify so many hours of coursework. Although the intention is to change this by 2027, many already stipulate that the decision will be prolonged and the real change will be made by 2029. And this 2029 is the date when Regents exams must be changed due to the stipulations of the format, which requires a renewal in New York.
The other opinions of the proposal
Along with teachers and unions, there are several groups that have given the go-ahead to the modification or reform of these Regents exams, which aims to renew the theoretical content and get alternative options to demonstrate knowledge. But, on the other hand, several educators have shown dissatisfaction thinking that fundamental knowledge such as concepts related to the three branches of the federal government will be de-emphasized.
No exact voting date has yet been given for whether or not to renew the Regents exam system. What is clear is that there will be reform, but many fear that this filter for graduation will be eliminated. At the same time, New York will continue to discuss how to continue its education sector to adapt to the new times.