Official notice to Walmart, Target and Costco: a new FDA law will forever change the way you sell food starting in 2025

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced a move that completely shakes up Walmart, Target, Costco, and hundreds of other supermarket chains. It is a significant update to the definition of “healthy foods.” These companies will now have to change the way they label and market certain food products.

The move, the first revision in more than three decades, aims to provide consumers with more clarity on healthy eating guidelines. They also require more information on the nutritional value of foods. This FDA legislation will mean more work for manufacturers and supermarkets such as Walmart, Target, Costco, among others, regarding the treatment of food.

The new regulation establishes certain much stricter criteria for foods to be labeled as “healthy”. As of February 25, 2025, foods with this label must contain a minimum amount of one or more major food groups. This could include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein or dairy products. In addition, such products may not exceed certain limits for sodium, saturated fat and added sugars.

This measure seeks greater clarity and to eliminate all existing false advertising. We all know that today there are popular products, promoted as “healthy”, but containing high levels of sugar or sodium. But now, these foods will have to modify their labeling or reformulate to comply with the new guidelines set out on its website.

The importance of nutrition information on foods, according to the FDA

According to the authorities, the update is mainly aimed at making labels easier to understand. The FDA maintains that this measure will help consumers make more informed decisions when buying their food at well-known supermarket chains such as Walmart, Costco and Target.

FDA Commissioner Robert Califf issued a statement highlighting that improving access to nutritional information is a key tool to promote healthier eating habits. He also calls it “critical for the future” that food be a vehicle for wellness.

What products will be affected?

The FDA update not only imposes restrictions on Walmart, Costco, Target and other supermarkets, but also expands the list of foods that can now qualify as “healthy.” Now, foods that previously did not meet the criteria due to their fat and cholesterol content will be recognized for their nutritional benefits. This includes products such as: nuts and seeds; salmon and other raw fish; eggs and water. In contrast, products such as white bread, yogurts with added sugar and sweetened cereals will no longer qualify as “healthy”.

It is important to note that the regulation does not oblige manufacturers to label their products as “healthy”. The use of this label is completely voluntary. However, if a company decides to include the word “healthy” on its packaging, it must ensure that the product complies with the new standards set forth by the FDA.

Another important point to highlight about this measure is that manufacturers will be able to start using the updated criteria as of 2025. However, they will have three years to implement the modifications in all their products. During this period, companies will have to review their formulas, modify labels and ensure that each of their products comply with the new requirements.

This FDA update would completely change the way food is sold in supermarket chains such as Costco, Walmart and Target. Likewise, in addition to the manufacturers, the stores will have to get used to this new classification, which has the sole purpose of improving people’s nutrition and seeking the well-being of all consumers.