Social Security makes the drastic decision: it suspends the accounts that do not comply with this

Great news has come out regarding the Cost of Living Adjustment in 2025, linked to a rise of 2.5% for a total of 72 million people in the United States who will have even more benefits from Social Security and a joint effort with the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) team. With this, the Cost of Living Adjustment, also known as COLA, has seen a marked increase that has already begun to be implemented from January 1, 2025. But there is something that is a problem for Social Security, and it has decided to take action to close the accounts of people who do not comply with the basic requirements established in its guidelines.

Be careful about losing your Social Security account: you can lose your benefits and other payments

In relation to this, the SSA, Social Security, has decided to put a stop to the accounts of certain people who do not meet the minimum legal requirements to be up to date with the administration’s guidelines. For this reason, it is clarified in this 2025 that there will be an exhaustive review of the non-citizen status of certain people who currently have a Social Security benefit. After the conclusion, they will be able to determine whether you have authorization to work and, therefore, have the necessary conditions to receive a specific type of benefit. In this case, it may be COLA, for example.

In addition to this condition, which warns that it may affect many recipients of Social Security benefits, there is the requirement to have an SSA number with a date of issue after December 2003. With this you will be among the possible recipients of the benefit in question, which will help you to face your situation as a former non-citizen or as a person in a vulnerable economic situation. But remember that non-citizens will definitely lose their payments and their accounts will be suspended as a result of a joint task between Social Security and the state authority.

Most affected by the SSA decision

Both non-citizens who are inside the United States and non-citizens who are residing outside the country will suffer a detrimental consequence, as those who have not set foot on US territory in the last six months will say goodbye to their payments or benefits. The measure seeks to repatriate people who seek to benefit from the state coffers despite not being in national territory, so it seems to be in line with what is sought.

To avoid having your account suspended or to request an appeal to Social Security, it is important to go to their official website to file a counter-complaint to request the reinstatement of your benefit and your SSA account. With this you will see what process your account, your request or your appeal is in, with just your Social Security number and a little patience to wait for the evaluation. Remember to make your claim if you know you are sure of the institutional error, as you only have four chances to appeal.

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