Stimulus checks are being canceled: payments will be eliminated for those who do not meet this requirement

The city of Sacramento, in California, has launched an ambitious guaranteed income program that offers direct payments of $725 per month. However, those who do not meet a key requirement will be cut off. In an attempt to alleviate the impact of the increase in the cost of living, the Sacramento Family First (FFESP) program aims to help low-income families from December 2024 to November 2025. Despite the importance of this benefit, moving outside of California before completing the required 12 months could result in the permanent cancellation of the monthly check.

How inflation and the cost of living drove the creation of these stimulus checks in the US.

The rise in food, rent and service prices motivated local authorities in Sacramento to establish a guaranteed income program that functions as direct support. Under the name Sacramento Family First, 200 selected families receive USD 725 per month, in order to cover basic needs and cope with rising inflation.

The first disbursement was made on December 15, 2024, and it is expected that, if the eligibility conditions are maintained, the monthly payments will continue until November 15, 2025. In this way, Sacramento is following the trend of several US cities that have implemented direct assistance policies, despite the fact that many states and the US government itself have ended some of their previous stimulus programs.

In this sense, families must present the corresponding documentation to demonstrate not only their residence in Sacramento, but also their income levels. Thus, the program has emphasized serving households that are particularly affected by the escalation of prices and that are below 200% of the federal poverty line (FPL).

Official requirements for receiving direct payments from the Sacramento Family First program and avoiding cancellation

The FFESP includes a list of conditions that determine family eligibility. First, the total household income must not exceed 200% of the FPL, a figure that varies according to the number of members. For example, for a family group of 4 people, the limit is USD 62,400 per year.

Another requirement is to be the parent or legal guardian of an African American, American Indian or Alaskan Native child between 0 and 5 years old, who lives at least 50% of the time in the same household. Furthermore, it is compulsory for the family home to be located in one of the following postal codes in Sacramento County: 95811, 95815, 95820, 95824, 95838 or 95841.

The program considers bank deposit as the preferred form of delivery, although if you do not have your own account, a physical check is sent to your registered address. It is important to emphasize that immigration status does not affect participation. However, if the selected family decides to move out of California before the end of the year, they will automatically lose their right to monthly payments.

In case of doubt, interested parties can consult the official information on the United Way California Capital Region website and on the Be Healthy Sacramento page, where the registration process is detailed step by step and the criteria for permanence are clarified. When you have finished reading this news, don’t forget that you can continue to keep informed with articles related to the economy, to keep up to date with new situations.