This boss’s big secret to getting the best out of his employees: happier, therefore more productive employees

Since the COVID pandemic changed the way people work around the world, interest in work-life balanc has increased. Many companies started to implement new work experiences and became more flexible. This has made their employees happier and more productive. In this context, Rob Dance, the CEO of ROCK, a British consulting firm, made some comments about his employees that went viral.

The post went viral

The technology executive posted his approach to work-life balance on his Instagram account, sparking a debate. What at first appeared to be a response from the CEO to his employees revealed a clear tactic by the boss to get the best out of his team by treating them like adults.

The post consisted of a photo of Dance holding a whiteboard with the caption, “Things I’m sick of hearing from my employees.” Below that was a list of phrases he apparently hears a lot in his workplace, such as:

  • “Can I leave early?
  • I’m running late in the morning.
  • My son is sick, can I leave?
  • I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, is that okay?
  • I’ll be late for lunch, I have some things to do.”

In response to these comments from his employees, the CEO indicated that he cared very little about them as a boss. “I hired you to do a job, and I have full confidence that you will do it. I don’t need you to justify every hour,” he said. In this regard, he acknowledged that times have changed and that today’s workplace is different.

Rob Dance’s advice

“People are tired of being treated like children. The only thing that should matter is that everyone is happy and the job gets done,” he said. To this observation he added some rather useful tips. “Treat your employees like adults. That’s it, that’s the big secret. Give them autonomy. Respect that they have a life outside of work. Don’t make them feel grateful that they’re not on the street every day,” he recommended.

Rock’s CEO argued that at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is whether they do their job well. “Performance should always take precedence over hours,” he said. On this subject, he spoke to Upworthy, which asked him why many managers are still reluctant to treat their employees like adults, and he gave a rather interesting answer.

Rob Dance explained that many managers don’t trust their employees and keep a close eye on them because of past experiences and a desire for control. In addition, they believe that micromanaging will ensure productivity and avoid problems, when the reality shows otherwise. “The pressure to meet business goals can lead managers to obsessively monitor employees in the belief that it will improve results. However, this approach only undermines trust and destroys morale,” he explained.

For the CEO, it creates a toxic environment in which employees feel undervalued and stressed. It is a situation that leads to higher turnover rates and a decrease in overall performance. “Instead of fostering a culture of accountability and growth, this behavior only fosters fear and resentment,” he said.

Finally, Dance discussed the critical role technology has played in driving the demand for a better work-life balance. “This tool has helped blur the lines,” he pointed out. In this regard, he explained that as a millennial, he has always valued work-life harmony because it helps to achieve greater flexibility and find meaning at work.